Saturday, April 16, 2016

SOE Lights It Up Blue!

One of the great things about being a board member of the PTO at the kid's school is that I feel that I really have a voice for Addy & the rest of the kids with special needs. (Or different needs. I read so much online that this group says this & this group says this or this group is offended by this term & whatnot. I just try to do my best where it pertains to Addy & if she ever tells me she doesn't like me using a certain term, then I'll change it. But I guess for now I'll stick with special needs. Because let's all be honest guys, special is not a bad thing. And special is just what Addy is!)

But anywho... like I said, I think that being on the PTO board gives me a voice. I asked the principal of the school if we could have the faculty, staff & students wear blue on World Autism Awareness Day & she said, yes, not only that but we could decorate the school.

And so Addy & Alex's school lit it up blue for Autism Awareness Day & Month!

So our Girl Scout troop made some really awesome posters & on March 31st, we met after school to hang their posters & to decorate the school. 

Here are some of their posters.

And here is one of the signs we hung in front of the school.

We also had a few more signs, an awareness ribbon banner along the back pick up area, 

yard signs & blue ribbons on all the trees.

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